how can i get back these variables to use them? `"...
# getting-started
how can i get back these variables to use them?
id and hash
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And now you have a MatchResult? which contains your matching groups
just did a google: this explains most things quite well 🙂
yea I was here too, didnt scroll down enough i guess
no worries 🙂 good luck
ok so another thing, do you know how I can translate this to koltin if you get the gist of whats going on here?
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routes = mapOf(
    '/ticket-alert/remove/(?<id>.+)/(?<hash>.+)' to (id, hash) => RemoveTicketAlertByHashLaunchAction(ticketAlertId=id, ticketAlertHash = hash)
I want to basically match the pattern and return the variables I got to the value side of the map
yea no need for that actually
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fun extract(s: String): Map<String, String> {
    val regex = "ticket-alert/remove/([^/]+)/([^/]+)".toRegex()
    val (id, hash) = regex.matchEntire(s)?.destructured ?: throw IllegalArgumentException()
    return mapOf("id" to id, "hash" to hash)
Though I generally dislike returning maps from such functions:
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data class TicketAlert(val id: String, val hash: String) {
    companion object {
    	val regex = """ticket-alert/remove/([^/]+)/([^/]+)""".toRegex()    

        fun extract(s: String): TicketAlert {
	    	val (id, hash) = regex.matchEntire(s)?.destructured ?: throw IllegalArgumentException()
    	    return TicketAlert(id, hash)