Is there a more efficient way than `round(number /...
# getting-started
Is there a more efficient way than
round(number / length) * length
to round a number by a length ?
is it rounding for output only? Than I suggest using
Copy code
otherwise, mathmatically theres is not really much you can do to round more efficiently
The print formatting is not equivalent to the OP's rounding (which means to round to the nearest multiple of
). I think, if
is an integer, you can probably make it slightly more efficient using just integer arithmetic, but it's probably not worth the effort.
Yes it's integer, but it's an operation that will be used at least 300 times per second, it's for a Kotlin/JS game
If it's for JS, I wouldn't bother, as there is no integer type in Javascript; only Number.
If you can guarantee length is a multiple of 2, you can use bitwise operators to round your number to a multiple of length
@Ayfri for example if you want to round by 8, shift right 3 and then shift left 3 (8 = 2^3)
That why for example, Minecraft, uses a lot of 8's and 16's as their grid size, because it makes the frequent rounding to snap to a grid much more efficient.
technically, if you’re going to shift right/left 3 you can just use bitwise & to delete the last 3 bits
For example, in JS
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const numberToRound = 15; 
const length = 8
const bitmask = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER - length + 1;

console.log(numberToRound & bitmask);
But again, only works for multiples of 2
Make sure to test the performance though, I’m not sure if JavaScript’s representing all numbers in floating point makes this optimization useless or not. I know it works on platforms that have true integer types.