Hi! :slightly_smiling_face: I am seeing a lot of ...
# getting-started
Hi! 🙂 I am seeing a lot of developers ignoring structured concurrency by launching a new coroutine in a different scope, although they are already in a suspending function or have access to
. Real life example which I came across so many times can be a convenience method like this:
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fun launchWithLoading(action: suspend () -> Unit) {
    scope.launch {
        try {
            loading = true
        } finally {
            loading = false
Nothing prevents the developer from calling it in a suspending context like:
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suspend fun alreadySuspending() {
    launchWithLoading {
        // do stuff
or like
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fun first() {
    launchWithLoading {

fun another() {
    launchWithLoading {
        // calculate something
although rarely they intend to break the structured concurrency. I wonder if there is something like Android Lint but that is purely for Kotlin? Almost everything I've found on the internet points me in the direction of Android Lint. But since this unrelated to Android, I would like to solve it without coupling the solution to Android or Android Studio, so that it can be potentially used in IntelliJ IDEA as well.
I don't think I'd say this is strictly breaking structured concurrency. I'd look at it like a convenience method. Once you inline the method, it looks a lot more clear why it's fine I think.
Although there should probably be some sort of semaphore around that loading boolean. Seems a bit thread unsafe.
I still find it unsafe since developers might do something like
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fun first() {
    launchWithLoading {
        finishedEvents.value = Unit

fun another() {
    launchWithLoading {
        // heavy calculations
will be triggered even though
did not finish its work 😞
You are right to point out the
being thread unsafe. I simplified it here but could be easily solved with
counting how many coroutines are currently "loading".
The cost of abstraction I guess. With convenience comes ignorance and with ignorance comes carelessness.
should probably just be a suspend function there, so you're right.
I don't expect to make this work without additional hints to the lint/inspection/plugin since the intention can be unclear in many valid cases. I can imagine creating a new annotation, say
that would work similarly to how
annotations work. I am able to create an IDE plugin to visually highlight the incriminated piece of code as a warning/error, but that is still just highlighting. It would be better if it could be run as a part of Gradle build so that it could be used in CI as well.
Could easily be a compiler plugin I think.
Android Lint can be applied to non-Android projects
Recently posted in #feed - https://github.com/detekt/detekt/ I have no experience with it, just spotted possible relation.