Hey, I am migrating my project to kotlin 1.4 and I...
# getting-started
Hey, I am migrating my project to kotlin 1.4 and I started running into compiler running out of memory
Copy code
> Task :compileKotlinJvm FAILED

e: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
So far I have tried to adjust
Build process heap size
upwards to 8000 megabytes, and have tried to provide a max memory flag of 8g to build process VM options. Neither attempt seemed to make any difference, as the compiler process seems to still max out at around 850mb when it throws an Out of memory exception. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
maybe NewInference? there's at least one NI OOM that is supposed to be fixed in 1.4.10, https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-41335