Whats the correct way to document an enum class? `...
# getting-started
Whats the correct way to document an enum class?
Copy code
     * Represents the way two [clauses][Clause] are joined.
     * @property AND Means that this clause and the previous clause should be combined using and
     * (i.e. both need to be `true`)
     * @property OR Means that this clause should be combind with the previous clause using or
     * (i.e. this clause needs to be true or the previous clause needs to be `true`)
    enum class Conjunction() {
Or should the values be on the enums themselves?
I think it should be on the values themselves. You can always try both and see how the quick documentation is pulled up when you use it.
Yeah I went on the values themselves.
its a little annoying as that could have been written compactly.
well, you can always make one-liner
/** short line of doc */
yeah in that specific case it could be written as
Copy code
enum class conjunction{AND,OR}
Thank you though.