I'm build a kotlin library and when I run build wi...
# build-tools
I'm build a kotlin library and when I run build with
./gradlew build
, it creates the jar file, but not when I use
Build Project
Build Module
in Intellij. How do I get those commands to have the same output?
you can approach this from multiple directions. some options would be : • run the gradle build/jar task via intellij instead of doing
Build Project
• configure the
Build project
target to have the jar output artifacts (see intellij build/run settings) • delegate building of the project from intellij to gradle, and make the default target build jar • or if you don’t care about jar and only care about sameness - you can change your build.gradle to not produce jar by default
Option three is the one I think I want, but how do I do that? I've checked that box in Settings | Build... | Build tools | Gradle | Runner, but unfortunately that doesn't seem to have done the job. 😞
Oh wait, maybe it's the "make the default target build jar" that I'm missing. Where do I set that?
Did you enable “Delegate IDE build/run actions to Gradle”?
I did