I think that some channels must be merged. For exa...
# meta
I think that some channels must be merged. For example there is #testing and #test. Maybe make a list of "official" channels?
πŸ‘ 4
🦜 1
100% for merging #testing and #test Also for adding a topic to these
Making a list of official channels is a good idea but it's hard to define what an official channel is and where to put this list...
Also, having the ability for anyone to create arbitrary channels is nice. Can we maybe enforce a prefix on user-created channels? Until maybe they are approved by a mod to the official list?
Official is the one approved by moderators. We can create a read-only channel for that or external page. People creating new channels can petition moderators to add their channel. Right now it is really hard for people to find what they want and there is a lot of duplicates.
Ah, looks like it's not possible for anyone to create a channel anymore πŸ˜…
When I click the '+' icon, I only get search, no "create channel" option like other slacks I'm in.
I'm using the Web client so maybe it's a bug 🀷
It seems that it is indeed forbidden (which is probably good). But still there are 523 already created channels
including anime channel πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
It's not a bug, read the #announcements channel for the information
πŸ‘ 1
Yeah, I missed the paragraph about new channels. But I agree with the solution. Now we need to start archiving dead, offtopic and duplicating ones.
πŸ‘ 1
So every channel is official now πŸ˜‰
including #ass πŸ˜‚
πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ 1
πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ 3
For the record, I missed the announcement because I muted the channel while it was still named #general and relatively high traffic. We might not want to ping all 40k users about this but I might not be the only one
including anime channel πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
And that's my favorite one.
So you're saying that #android #android-studio #android-architecture #android-databinding #androidgithubprojects #androidthings and #androidx should be merged? πŸ˜‚
Also, for the love of everything that is holy. Can we just rename #android to android-kotlin or something.
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