Why does this channel exist? <#C8U4DBL2Z|kotlingfo...
# meta
Why does this channel exist? #kotlingforbeginners
An attempt to have all the noob questions answered in one place, and those that don't want noob questions can ignore it? But everyone will goto general anyway. Maybe renaming general to 'welcome' since everyone is part of it. locking it down and pinning a message welcoming new comers, providing pointers on etiquette and what is and isn't allowed, and listing common channels? Having channels listed will hint that conversations should be done in an appropriate topic/channel. Or we can hope it does.
i mean, that’s what #getting-started is for.
what is a
I understand now. Someone else posted in kotling that people should move to getting-started. Still stand by my suggestion regarding General, and think the kotlingforbeginners channel should be archived. As to kotling, most likely a typo that didn't get caught.