Here are a couple suggestions: - Allow guilds to c...
# meta
Here are a couple suggestions: - Allow guilds to customize their structure more, similar to Discord - Add highlight.js support! It's not difficult, and would greatly improve UX - Dark theme would be nice to have
JetBrains is in no way affiliated with Slack, also there are no guilds here, this slack is about Kotlin 🙂
...When did I ever mention Jetbrains being affiliated with slack? I was told to bring my suggestions here so I did.
Maybe I misunderstood something, but suggestions look like something one would address to Slack, because JetBrains cannot do anything about them.
Oh, is Slack not Selfhosted, like Gitlab? Seeing as this is had its own general channel I assumed it was, otherwise wouldn't that be the general slack channel for not just kotlin?
Nope 🙂 This is a free Slack-managed instance. Like GitLab cloud.
Oh, I see. Sorry, I'm too used to Discord, so seeing this led me to make a lot of assumptions ^^"
Where would I take these suggestions to show them to Slack Developers?
something like #slack-support or something?
Thank you
🙂 1
@Czar It's not a free-tier instance anymore!
Ah, we have history now then? Nice. But in relation to this conversation this still doesn't matter, JetBrains still cannot reconfigure the software as the OP suggests.
Definitely, just mentioning it.
By the way there are themes for slack under preferences, you can also do custom ones like this: #33244c,#423393,#944c94,#FFFFFF,#423393,#FFFFFF,#944C94,#F88909