How can I enforce only 1 execution of Observable/S...
# rx
How can I enforce only 1 execution of Observable/Single at the time? I know about maxConcurrency of flatMap, but that requires that flatMap to be on a top level in the chain If its inside say switchMap, then its all gone Semaphores maybe?
if you can control the scheduler cleanly you could try the single scheduler? i've done similar to ensure only one thread owns DB writes (android sqlite with WAL enabled)
why would need that? transactions are synchronized arent they?
was just the best config for perf. I think because the synchronization is expensive so fewer large transaction ended up being elss overhead
Not sure how is it more expensive, than enqueueing actions in a single threaded scheduler
same thing
only one writes, all else waits
only if you make the others wait. the write thread would only do anything once a queue depth or time was reached. it was an odd system for sure, but for sure was faster to batch the way it was
dangerous in a sense but the data model had a recovery mechanism to it
@ursus if you have a bunch of observables then maybe concatMap?
no sorry this is more like a queue, I dont know everything at subscribe time
wdym? not sure how it looks like in the code, but based on what you've sent in the first msg then it should do the job
flatMap concurreny = 1 makes it into a queue; its an ongoing thing, you can pop stuff into it, I dont know everybody who will be subscribed ahead of time, like you need to concat(obs1, obs2, obs3)