# feed
great article, did you use one of libraries like evant/redux ReKotlin or redux-java ?
@nish is the author ^^
@dariuszbacinski I recommended evant/redux and ReKotlin at the bottom. They are great starting points
Nice article but if you really want to understand how to use redux, you should really go back to the original implementation and its extensions.
In particular one often forgotten extension for redux is redux-saga middleware: it has ~11k stars on github (reduxjs repository has ~35k)
If you are interested, I have almost completed an initial port of redux-saga for kotlin+android, as part branch 3.x of https://github.com/beyondeye/Reduks. I will probably release it next week
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Hi, I also play with redux some moment ago. Redux has good architecture to play with UI Complex changes. https://github.com/radityagumay/aredux
and if you are more like Rx kind of guy, then there is RxJS Middleware available for React and ReactNative https://github.com/redux-observable/redux-observable
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Nice article but if you really want to understand how to use redux, you should really go back to the original implementation and its extensions.
definitely it is worth to try Redux with React or React Native, for me it was mind-blowing how different this architecture is from MVP/MVVM counterparts, but at the same time very powerful and pleasant to use
Rolling out my own implementation definitely helped me understand how things were supposed to work together. If your goal is learning, I recommend doing this for any architecture you are working with, not just Redux.
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