Also, for some reason, the gradle of the libraries...
# kontributors
Also, for some reason, the gradle of the libraries only use Java 1.6, which doesn't make any sense to me considering that kotlin uses lambdas and autoboxing and a bunch of other stuff that were introduced 1.7+. The gradle has variable for 1.7 and 1.8 but they are never used as far as I can tell
Nevermind. I realized that what I was looking at was COMMON CONFIGURATIONS and not the actual configurations to be used during set up. But it still confuses me as to why you need to have a path to 1.6, 1.7, AND 1.8 and not just 1.8? Like 1.8 is 1.6 and 1.7 with tweaks and extra features. So what's the use in this? Everybody's gonna be in 1.8 anyways
That's not true at all, a surprising amount of people in enterprise are stuck with jdk6/jdk7, and Android is still on jdk7, older devices jdk 6.
Autoboxing was not introduced in 1.7. Besides, it's a compiler only feature. Kotlin is not restricted by Javas compiler features.
Ah alright that makes sense now