Hey guys, I'm trying to recreate this app I wrote ...
# exposed
Hey guys, I'm trying to recreate this app I wrote with spring using Ktor and Exposed, and I'm following the tutorial for DAOs on the github, but I'm a little confused. My situation simplified is basically, I have a User model that has an ID and a reference to an Image model, I want to be able to do User.images and Image.user. So my user (simplified) is like
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class User(id: EntityID<Long>) : LongEntity(id) {
    var images by Image via UserImages

    companion object : LongEntityClass<User>(Users)
My image simplified is like
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class Image(id: EntityID<Long>) : LongEntity(id) {
    val user by User referencedOn Images.user

    companion object : LongEntityClass<Image>(Images)
And my tables are as follows
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object Images : LongIdTable() {
    val user = reference("user", Users)

object Users : LongIdTable() {
// Do I need to do something to establish a relationship to images here?

object UserImages : Table() {
    val user = reference("user", Users).primaryKey(0)
    val image = reference("image", Images).primaryKey(1)
I've been following the tutorial on the wiki, and I was fine with everything I think until I started trying to establish this relationship. I hope this isn't too much of a noob question, I just decided to try Kotlin yesterday after people scala-shaming me for months 😜.
Do you want to bind images to a single user (one-to-many relationship) or share images between users (many-to-many) ?
One user has many images that only belong to them
Then you don't need
table. use
val images by Image.referrersOn(Images.user)
Sweet, didn't think it'd be that simple, thanks so much. Is the line establishing the relationship from the image side good, or should it be changed to something else?
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val user = reference("user", Users)
is what I'm referencing
Looks good for me:) I think you don't need to change anything else.
Sweet, thanks a lot!
hmm, how do i then add an image to the images collection? The github assigns a value in their example
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transaction {
  film.actors = SizedCollection(listOf(actor))
But doing so in my case is a problem, since changing images to
causes an error. I'd prefer to keep as much code immutable as possible, so how do I work around this?
You may rename
but I prefere to set user to a image in a creation time, like:
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val newImage = Image.new {
   this.user = ownerOfImage
The wiki on the github said if I didn't want to manually give each object an ID value I had to do it in separate transactions, so I opted to, but actually I can set an Image's user no-problem, it's setting a User's Images that's the issue
Or is Images autopopulated by the user column in each image, do i not need to set it at all?
When you request
Exposed will load all
instances where
column equals to
value. So when you create new Image and fill
field you automatically "update" result which will be returned by next
Alright 😄 great to know thanks again