I find that DelicateCoroutinesApi opt in a little ...
# coroutines
I find that DelicateCoroutinesApi opt in a little useless. I am purposely using a GlobalScope in one place and what I want to do here is to add a suppress at the place where it's used with a comment. But with the opt in system I need to enable it for the whole module which makes the warning in other places go a away 😕
But why do you enable it for module instead of OptIn for particular case?
Well it's an internal of a class. If I propagate the opt in then all the callers would need to have that as well
But OptIn doesn’t propagate warnng
annotate with @DelicateCoroutinesApi will propagat it
@OptIn(DelicateCoroutinesApi::class) suppresses it for particular case and warning is not propagated