Hi! I've already asked this in <#C0A974TJ9|ktor>, ...
# coroutines
Hi! I've already asked this in #ktor, but seeing how this is related to coroutines, maybe someone could help here? I'm a bit frustrated, so in one part of my program the coroutine that a ktor websocket is running on becomes inactive (before I open the websocket the coroutine is active), so I'm wondering if anyone knows why 🙂 Code where it doesn't work: https://github.com/dkim19375/Tag/blob/master/src/main/kotlin/me/dkim19375/tag/multiplayer/ClientManager.kt#L43-L107 Code where it does work with almost the same code: https://github.com/dkim19375/Tag/blob/master/src/main/kotlin/me/dkim19375/tag/util/Testing.kt Image with the first code snippet hiding the comments is below. Since the coroutine isn't active, the websocket won't work 😞 Ktor: 
 (JVM) All dependencies: https://github.com/dkim19375/Tag/blob/master/build.gradle Server log: https://paste.helpch.at/eruzihulol.sql Client log: https://paste.helpch.at/bedemiyihi.sql Note that for both logs I'm using TornadoFX, and in my test class, I'm not using TornadoFX, and this is the log:
Copy code
test 1, is active: true
test 2, is active: true
Is this an issue towards what I'm doing with ktor or is it something with coroutines? (I'm not sure so I'm asking both channels) EDIT: Figured it out
What was the problem? Can we learn from it?