Hi, is there a way to pass @launch to another func...
# coroutines
Hi, is there a way to pass @launch to another function? I have this piece
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viewModelScope.launch { 
    validateEmail(user)?.let {
And I want it to look something like
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evaluate(validateEmail(user), launch)
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fun evaluate(result: String?, job: (
    context: CoroutineContext,
    start: CoroutineStart,
    block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit
) -> Job){
    result?.let {
I get job is unresolved, so what am I doing wrong and how to make it right?
Can you clarify what you want to achieve? I don’t quite understand from the snippets you pasted
I have a number of blocks like
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validateIpData(it)?.let {
Inside viewmodelScope.launch:
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viewModelScope.launch {
    // if cloud login, validate username as email
    validateEmail(user)?.let {
    loginModel.login(user)?.let { it ->
    // if success, move to device list view
And I want to make it more readable
I don’t have any idea right now 😕 But I’d suggest avoiding multiple returns and non-local returns and either returning
from your validation functions or e.g. throwing an exception if validation fails. Keeping it simple would probably help readability more than a fancy evaluate function which takes a while to understand in couple of months 🙂
i dont quite get it. Why would you want to return the launch block? I dont think that is what you want
basically from what i understand, if validateEmail is not null, and login is not null, you want to display an error. I think that design could be improved a bit 😛 Generally, it’s the other way around
personnally, for you usecase, i find plain old java more readable:
viewModelScope.launch { val emailError = validateEmail(user) if(emailError != null){ _errorLiveData.postValue(it) stopLoading() return@launch } val loginError = loginModel.login(user) if(loginError != null){ _errorLiveData.postValue(it) return@launch } _navigateToDeviceList.postValue(username.value) }
because the original code is a bit confusing to read. Yes, it is less code, but less readable as well
if you cannot change the design, just extract the code inside launch to a suspending function, and there you can just return
viewModelScope.launch { if(login()){ _navigateToDeviceList.postValue(username.value) } } suspend fun login(): Boolean validateEmail(user)?.let { _errorLiveData.postValue(it) stopLoading() return false } loginModel.login(user)?.let { it -> _errorLiveData.postValue(it) return false } }
something like this!
There is still a number of blocks
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And there are actually more validations, which I wanted to make less pronounced, so that it basically reads like { validateEmail() validateUsername() validateIp() ... }
Using suspend function looks like a good idea, I'll try it out, thanks!
how about this
viewModelScope.launch { val loginError = login() if(loginError == null){ _navigateToDeviceList.postValue(username.value) } else{ _errorLiveData.postValue(loginError) stopLoading() } } suspend fun login(): Error? return validateEmail(user) ?: loginModel.login(user) ?: null }
or this
viewModelScope.launch { login()?.let{ _errorLiveData.postValue(loginError) stopLoading() } ?: _navigateToDeviceList.postValue(username.value) } suspend fun login(): Error return validateEmail(user) ?: loginModel.login(user) ?: null }
but less readable imo. It’s a matter of preference