I loved the way the book "Kotlin in action" explai...
# coroutines
I loved the way the book "Kotlin in action" explains things, not only as a reference but as a way to go back to when I can write some code but not sure about some details. • Is there plans to make a new edition for coroutines? • is there a different book that covers coroutines? The official docs and the official / unoficcial blog posts are good, but they can't replace a good book for some situations.
👍 4
I gave it a quick look and it sounds interesting 🙂. Though I'm not a fan of Wenderlich style of blogging (too superficial?) I'll probably buy this to give it a try if nothing more promising shows up. Being on 2nd edition is encouraging, I can probably buy again for the next edition when hopefully flow will be stable.