Hi guys, if I want to declare an interface with a ...
# coroutines
Hi guys, if I want to declare an interface with a method that runs in the scope of the caller, is that ok to do something like
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interface MyGuy {
  suspend fun CoroutineScope.doSomething()
or is there a better way when it comes to interface declaration?
I think every suspend function runs in the scope of the caller. No extension need there.
gotcha, so you go either with suspend modifier or with CoroutineScope. extension function?
Definitely suspend (if you don’t have some very specific use case for it)
one thing that made me suspicious is that if I have a suspend function, I can’t do launch inside.
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suspend fun doSomething() {
    launch {} // not possible
that’s because I’m not in a scope, so how to I make launch be running in the caller scope?
If all you are worried is scoping, go with suspend modifier. as an advice, given by @elizarov use CoroutineScope extension when your are creating another coroutine. It kinda makes the code self documenting and I do agree with him there
It’s possible
just use coroutineScope function
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suspend fun doSomething() {
    coroutineScope {
         launch {} // Possible!
It also not only possible, but properly implement structure concurrency
gotcha, alright makes sense, thanks guys
launching background task as side effect on external scope smells a lot, better to allow run it as suspend function, so user of this API can decide it to run on any scope
It was also recently discussed in this thread https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/C1CFAFJSK/p1597971811047400
adding onto @gildor I would normally do
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suspend function doSomenthing() = coroutineScope {
    // do crazy things in here
Just in case I need the instance of the calling scope, if not, I just call the function
would like to point out, this code makes sense only if you have a few things run in parallel (or one thing + join()), otherwise this method is the same as:
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suspend function doSomenthing() = // do crazy things in here
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makes sense, so if I want to build new coroutines starting from the calling scope, I do coroutineScope {} or else I can avoid using the scope builder and just what I need to inside the function, that will be called with the parent scope of the calling function in both cases
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