anybody else rarely able to get a breakpoint to wo...
# coroutines
anybody else rarely able to get a breakpoint to work inside a suspending function?
As far as my experience goes, breakpoints work pretty reliably. If you have specific examples where they don’t, please file a bug to youtrack at
i’ll try to make something reproducable. they almost never work while running our product out of the IDE in debug mode
the only pattern i’ve maybe seen is that they will work if the breakpoint was set before the first time the code in question has been executed
they do not work on subsequent executions
That is really really strange. Should not really matter.
it’s very strange. if i breakpoint outside the first suspending function i can walk my way down into it
but i cannot just break inside the suspending functions
Sometimes I notice it doesn’t break if I set a breakpoint when an application is already being debugged i.e. breakpoint needs to be set before app is launched
@kevinherron you can record a screencast for youtrack bug reports.
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