Hi all, I'm trying to write a coroutine based Data...
# coroutines
Hi all, I'm trying to write a coroutine based DataLoader to be used on within a GraphQL implementation. I've made a simple Slideshow of what I want to achieve: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1lh5MzqM36xDvIkDsK8NGIlmfxq5uuPXbgAT4Kf9CjLw/ Anyone that could guide me to which coroutine tools I should use for something like this?
If you are looking for a server library that will allow you to cache requests in your resolvers you can use #graphql-kotlin https://github.com/ExpediaGroup/graphql-kotlin With this library you can use suspending functions as your resolvers and inside of there you can use whatever caching mechanisms that you want, so there isn’t a direct need to use a DataLoader implementation. That being said, we are built on top of
and they have a data loader. There is an example of using it here in our library https://github.com/ExpediaGroup/graphql-kotlin/pull/396