Update: I had a `check` call inside of my function...
# coroutines
Update: I had a
call inside of my functions. By commenting that line out, the code fully compiled. it appears to be an issue with inline function rewriting rather than coroutines itself The
call before (fails to compile):
Copy code
val path: String
val group: String

check(File("$path/src/main/kotlin/${group.replace(".", File.separator)}").mkdirs()) { "Failed to create directories for module" }
I’m not able to reproduce it in simple cases, so I’m not sure what’s so special in causing this issue
Yes, I wasn’t able to reproduce it on the simple cases either 😞 Are you able to provide project sample? If it’s under an NDA, feel free to hit me in the DM, we’ll try to figure out something 🙂
I'll keep an eye out for it. I just replaced the check with the inlined code manually to work around it for the time beinf