After upgrading from Kotlin 1.2.71, coroutines 0.3...
# coroutines
After upgrading from Kotlin 1.2.71, coroutines 0.30.2, and ktor 0.9.5 to Kotlin 1.3.0, coroutines 1.0.0, and ktor 1.0.0-beta-3, I am getting
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e: org.jetbrains.kotlin.util.KotlinFrontEndException: Exception while analyzing expression at (20,26) in /path/to/ModuleCommand.kt
Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError: Rewrite at slice FUNCTOR key: @kotlin.internal.InlineOnly public inline fun check(value: kotlin.Boolean, lazyMessage: () -> kotlin.Any): kotlin.Unit defined in kotlin[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor@2e20f454] old value: org.jetbrains.kotlin.contracts.model.functors.SubstitutingFunctor@7b9036fb@2073048827 new value: org.jetbrains.kotlin.contracts.model.functors.SubstitutingFunctor@5779296b@1467558251
Caused by: java.lang.Throwable: Rewrite at slice FUNCTOR key: @kotlin.internal.InlineOnly public inline fun check(value: kotlin.Boolean, lazyMessage: () -> kotlin.Any): kotlin.Unit defined in kotlin[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor@2e20f454] old value: org.jetbrains.kotlin.contracts.model.functors.SubstitutingFunctor@7b9036fb@2073048827 new value: org.jetbrains.kotlin.contracts.model.functors.SubstitutingFunctor@5779296b@1467558251
Where position (20, 26) is a
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import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking

11: object ModuleCommand : CliktCommand(...) {
20:    override fun run() = runBlocking {
50:    }
63: }
I still get this error after performing a Gradle clean. Has anyone experience this type of issue that figured out a fix?
Yes, this is probably If possible, please attach a sample project to this issue so we can fix it ASAP.