I have a strange issue, but I am not sure if it is...
# coroutines
I have a strange issue, but I am not sure if it is related to coroutines. But I have the following unit test:
Copy code
@Test fun testActor() {
  val testActor = actor<String> {

When I run this locally on my machine I see
being printed. But when I build this with docker it is never received. My
looks like:
Copy code
FROM maven:3.3.9-jdk-8
COPY . project/
WORKDIR project
RUN mvn clean package
I used version
which is the same on my local machine. With docker it actually freezes on the
. Anyone a clue how this is possible?
You use blocking operation. Maybe you blocked all the threads for some reason? Is it reproducible with such simple example?
Maybe you could provide some self contained example
Making a self contained example is difficult with this one. Because of docker and the configuration. The thing what "helped" was increasing the amount of cores in the container from 2 (default) to 3 (on Windows).
I think you blocked all the threads of common pool and no more threads to dispatch coroutines
But then it is still unclear to me why it is happening in docker only. when I do this on my host exactly the same way it works
Because on your host you just have more available threads in CommonPool. CommonPool is
cpuNum - 1
But, I do not exclude that there is still some bug, this is why I asked self contained example
No need to set amount of cores for docker, you can instead set system property
to set minimal amount of threads in commonpool
👍 1
also you can try to use new experimantal dispatchers, that can handle such cases automatically and start additional threads if all of existing are blocked
actually with 2 cores you have only 1 thread in CommonPool