Here if `unsafeMethod` fails it will make the pare...
# coroutines
Here if
fails it will make the parent job fail, which basically mean a crash of the UI componenent (any working coroutine will be cancelled and further action would no longer work) Of course I could encapsulate the call in
. But it is a bit boilerplate and easy to forget. (here it is obvious, but what about unexpected exceptions?) How could I launch a child coroutine in a way that it does'nt propagate the failure to the parent?
using try-catch inside your child coroutine for unsafe block...
But what about "unexpected exception"? Should I put try-catch block everywhere for each function? This is a lot of boilerplate code which is btw easy to forget.
Think you should log your unexpected exceptions using some UncaightException Handler and investigate it
Of course exception are logged using the default
or try/catch every block in development stage if you unsure
But I still want to make sure that the UI doesn't crash
even if an error has been logged and displayed to the user
or try/catch every block in development stage if you unsure
That's what I want to avoid. And what about production? It is even more true for production code. I don't want the UI to crash in production either, do I?
It’s philosophical issue. If you have some components that cannot be relied on your implementation, i.e NetworkRequests, try-catch it, then user clicks on JButton , it should not crash your app
Yes that's for expected exception. I have no problem with that. If a function is unsafe, then it is encapsulated in a
and exception are managed.
But I want my UI to be safe to all exceptions. expected and unexpected ones. expected ones are managed by
blocks and unexpected are logged and displayed to the user using an
. But still I'd like that the UI remains usable, even after unexpected exceptions.
Here is a work-around:
Copy code
abstract class ExceptionSafeCoroutineScope(private val dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher) : CoroutineScope {
  private var job = Job()

  private val exceptionHandler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, exception ->
    Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler().uncaughtException(Thread.currentThread(), exception)
    job = Job()

  final override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
    get() = job + dispatcher + exceptionHandler
But I wonder what is the recommended way of doing it.
if you don’t want the coroutine you launch to be a child of the current scope and everything that implies (i.e. cancellation), then maybe it’s a candidate to be launched in another scope:
GlobalScope.launch { ... }
Yes, but I want it to be a child. I still want all children to be cancelled at the end of life of the UI component.
I think I understand what you need. We’ve been thinking about this feature for a while. Here I wrote it down:
👍 2
Thank you @elizarov!