Coroutines are good if your work that you have to ...
# coroutines
Coroutines are good if your work that you have to do on each element is asynchronous (needs to wait for something, like network call). If it is all just CPU-bound, you’d be better off using Java parallel streams — they are specifically optimized for parallelization of CPU-bound computations.
👍 6
Would DB queries be another good example?
DB queries as a good example of what?
An example of a task that is network bound that would benefit from coroutines.
If you have an async DB driver, then yes.
Unfortunately JDBC isn't async so other Java/Kotlin libs/frameworks/toolkits that utilise async programming (eg Vert.x) end up having to create their own workarounds, which creates a big mess. 🙁
JDBC isn’t async yet, but JDBC 2.0 (work in progress now) will be.