Hi, I hope this is the right channel to ask this: ...
# library-development
Hi, I hope this is the right channel to ask this: I am building a sdk for use by our customers. They will embed the sdk in their apps. The sdk takes a picture and then sends to our backend for analysis and returns a result. My questions are: 1. best way to hand control to the sdk. I am currently having the host app start an activity. Other options are StartActivityForResult and the new version of it. Another is a global singleton object initialised by the host and methods called on it. 2. how to distribute the sdk without supplying source code?
For 1. you'll most likely have more answers in #android. If I had to do it, I would expose 2 APIs: • a low-level API that takes a Bitmap or an in-memory picture that doesn't require starting a new Activity • a high-level API that starts your own activity. In that case, make sure to document the intent required to start the result and what data is available in
For 2. it's a bit counter intuitive but I think you can distribute through mavenCentral. Just make sure to upload empty javadoc and sources artifacts
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