Hey all, I hope this is the right place for this, ...
# library-development
Hey all, I hope this is the right place for this, but I'm curious if anyone has written a library like this for Kotlin. If not, I might try my hand at porting it at some point. I'd love to have something like this at work (where we use several DSLs written in Kotlin). https://github.com/zesterer/ariadne
I am not sure what you want. More "colorful" static code analyzer? Try https://www.jetbrains.com/qodana/
@altavir What I want is a version of this library, but ported to Kotlin. For instance, say I'm writing a command line tool in Kotlin that accepts a JSON file as input. This library would allow me to easily format a nice error message for the user pointing out where the user has made a syntax error. Or let's say I'm writing a little DSL in Kotlin. This library gives me an easy way to add beautiful Rust/Elm-like error messages to my users.