I am running into an issue regarding duplicate fra...
# ios
I am running into an issue regarding duplicate frameworks with cocoapods. I am trying to consume a kotlin generated framework into 3 modules inside of my xcode projects: • iosSdk • iosSdkUx • iosSdkSampleApplication I have tried adding this flag to the kotlin project, but am still running into the error.
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I also have a post install script inside of my podfile which was working when I was only consuming the kotlin generated framework in
. But when trying to add the third it fails (
). (SEE THREAD FOR PODFILE) Here is the error I am getting:
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objc[29904]: Class ISSDouble is implemented in both /Users/ME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iosSdk-ftsmsdlkscvzlmdbohckpjheeupx/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/iosSdkUx.framework/iosSdkUx (0x110508d60) and /Users/ME/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/7C739BFB-DFD9-4F88-A2D4-4185065B258D/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/C98D5D0A-45C5-43F5-A4AA-70C42E3E283F/iosSdkSampleApplication.app/iosSdkSampleApplication (0x103bbb2f0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
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PROJECT_ROOT_DIR = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__))
PODS_DIR = File.join(PROJECT_ROOT_DIR, 'Pods')
PODS_TARGET_SUPPORT_FILES_DIR = File.join(PODS_DIR, 'Target Support Files')

post_install do |installer|

     'iosSdk' => ['SharedSdk'],
     'iosSdkUx' => ['SharedSdk'],
     'iosSdkSampleApplication' => ['SharedSdk']

  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      #config.build_settings['LD_NO_PIE'] = 'NO'
      if Gem::Version.new('9.0') > Gem::Version.new(config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'])
        config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '9.0'

# CocoaPods provides the abstract_target mechanism for sharing dependencies between distinct targets.
# However, due to the complexity of our project and use of shared frameworks, we cannot simply bundle everything under
# a single abstract_target. Using a pod in a shared framework target and an app target will cause CocoaPods to generate
# a build configuration that links the pod's frameworks with both targets. This is not an issue with dynamic frameworks,
# as the linker is smart enough to avoid duplicate linkage at runtime. Yet for static frameworks the linkage happens at
# build time, thus when the shared framework target and app target are combined to form an executable, the static
# framework will reside within multiple distinct address spaces. The end result is duplicated symbols, and global
# variables that are confined to each target's address space, i.e not truly global within the app's address space.
# Previously we avoided this by linking the static framework with a single target using an abstract_target, and then
# provided a shim to expose their interfaces to other targets. The new approach implemented here removes the need for
# shim by modifying the build configuration generated by CocoaPods to restrict linkage to a single target.
def remove_static_framework_duplicate_linkage(static_framework_pods)
  puts "Removing duplicate linkage of static frameworks"

  Dir.glob(File.join(PODS_TARGET_SUPPORT_FILES_DIR, "Pods-*")).each do |path|
    pod_target = path.split('-', -1).last

    static_framework_pods.each do |target, pods|
      next if pod_target == target
      frameworks = pods.map { |pod| identify_frameworks(pod) }.flatten

      Dir.glob(File.join(path, "*.xcconfig")).each do |xcconfig|
        lines = File.readlines(xcconfig)

        if other_ldflags_index = lines.find_index { |l| l.start_with?('OTHER_LDFLAGS') }
          other_ldflags = lines[other_ldflags_index]

          frameworks.each do |framework|
            other_ldflags.gsub!("-framework \"#{framework}\"", '')

          File.open(xcconfig, 'w') do |fd|

def identify_frameworks(pod)
  frameworks = Dir.glob(File.join(PODS_DIR, pod, "**/*.framework")).map { |path| File.basename(path) }

  if frameworks.any?
    return frameworks.map { |f| f.split('.framework').first }

  return pod
I fixed this but removing all the custom scripts from my podfile and setting the framework to dynamic in the kotlin project.
Then embedding the framework in my sample application