Hey guys. How can we use InjectionIII with the new...
# ios
Hey guys. How can we use InjectionIII with the new KMM project with Gradle generating the Xcodeproject ? In essence, I'd like to use this method : https://www.jetbrains.com/help/objc/create-a-swiftui-application.html but in a project created by AppCode with Gradle.
Hi! I haven’t tried it by myself, but it seems it should work without any big differences. You still have
, where you setup InjectionIII. The only difference is that you would need to setup build settings
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in build.gradle.kts by using
. If you create a new project you will see the commented example:
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plugins {
    id("org.jetbrains.gradle.apple.applePlugin") version "212.4638.14-0.14"

apple {
    iosApp {
        productName = "DeleteMeKMA2"

        sceneDelegateClass = "SceneDelegate"
        launchStoryboard = "LaunchScreen"

        //productInfo["NSAppTransportSecurity"] = mapOf("NSAllowsArbitraryLoads" to true)

        dependencies {
Would that work for you?
Tried that before posting 😉 Doesn’t work. The reason is, I believe, because the generated xcodeproj lives in
while sources are in
, which InjectionIII is not watching (it is only watching sub directories of the directory containing the xcodeproj). Also, I couldn’t find a way to start the app in DEBUG (so I had to remove
to get InjectionIII stratup messages).
🤔 1
Having live previews is paramount to declarative UI programming with frameworks such as SwiftUI. We’ve used AppCode & InjectionIII with great success on a previous project. Not having InjectionIII working (or any other form of live preview) is, I believe, a major roadblock in adopting this new project model.
I created an issue in the tracker: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KMA-344 Feel free to follow it to be notified about the progress. We will have a closer look at the problem. Thank you for the report!
👍 1
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