Hello can I use the Preview also in appCode like o...
# ios
Hello can I use the Preview also in appCode like on xcode ?
I installed AppCode yesterday and this is the first problem I ran into. There is this article about a little hacky, but official solution with a third party tool: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/objc/create-a-swiftui-application.html The real solution will be to support SwiftUI and the preview. Please vote on this: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/OC-19017 The more we vote on this the sooner we will get it.
🙏 1
voting done
It's possible with InjectionIII app, and the chances AppCode will support it by itself are very small, because it would take a lot of effort just to replace a working Injection solution. As far as I can see AppCode team is not too big, and right now the're working hard on Kotlin Multiplatform support, also there're many other issues, like correct generics support, so I wouldn't expect any Injection replacement.