Speaking of the above :point_up_2: , I'm clearly m...
# ios
Speaking of the above 👆 , I'm clearly missing another of the peculiarities of the K/N Memory Model... Getting the dreaded:
Caused by: kotlin.native.concurrent.InvalidMutabilityException: mutation attempt of frozen kotlin.collections.HashMap@33944e8
...while adding an element to a
. However: • The Set is created while on the main thread • The Set is only ever accessed from the main thread (I've asserted these points with checks on
at every relevant point) • The top level object under which the Set (indirectly) resides, is marked
...which other restriction am I missing!? Is there a way to determine at what point an object is being frozen?
you can call
after creating it, and then get an exception when something tries to freeze it
👍 2
Manna from heaven, thanks!
👍 1
...alright, so it turns out the freeze was because my Map was being transitively referenced as part of another
that wasn't
The documentation does, I suppose, say this is the case.
But I feel like it doesn't make clear enough that any object that is accessible via any part of the object graph beneath a top-level
will be frozen unless marked
. Would it be reasonable for the docs to advise that applying
should be considered a sensible 'default' for newcomers.
...or something of that nature.
Agree that docs could be better around all of this, but
by default would have it's own set of confusion and drawbacks. Anytime you access it from a background thread, none of the state you've set in the main thread will be present, but it might not be obvious that something's wrong because nothing will throw.
@russhwolf Ah, I didn't mean to suggest
be an actual language default; agree it could cause some serious confusion... but rather a suggested way to start for those wanting to avoid the potentially greater complications of object freezing.