We've released next stable version of `gdml.kt`: <...
# science
We've released next stable version of `gdml.kt`: https://github.com/mipt-npm/gdml.kt/releases/tag/v0.1.8 Probably it is interesting only for particle physics (💥). Also we are planning a first release of dataforge-vis (probably with different name) and a big name change (scientifik -> kscience).
Maybe kphysics will be better, if it covers physics stuff only, what do you think, or you have another science chapters on the roadmap?
@zaleslaw not only physics. Obviously visualization tools are used everywhere. But we do not claim exclusive claim on the brand, you can use it as well. I intend it for the general use.
Dont keep in mind, it was Just a suggestion, no plans to use this brand
My idea is that kotlin scientific community is not large enough to be fragmented. I think that we need to work together to make it larger and better.