Hey, Here’s a last minute submit too! Unfortunate...
# korge
Hey, Here’s a last minute submit too! Unfortunately I can do only it like this for now. Thank you for the event, really! It was a really big challenge for me, but I really enjoyed and learned a lot! https://github.com/matolaypal/the-ultimate-classic-game
I suggest to build it for JVM, because I couldn’t get the chance to properly test it on web. Unfortunately, I couldn’t finish. Even with the the plus hours and almost nothing sleep during the weekend. I guess the plan was too big for now… But the game will be done in the future. I’m sure in that (I won’t touch the master branch before the end of evaluation.) Also, you got a new fan and I’m looking forward to the next Jam. Thank you one last time!
Thank you for participating!
🙌 1
BTW can you tell in more detail how finished your game is? What is done and what else would you like to add to you game?
Actually, I left a tons of TODO and FIXME comments in the code. There you can see. But I willingly summarise them in a later point of time (probably tomorrow if it’s okay, if not, then later today). Because I’m going to start my regular work in 2 hours. So I need to refresh myself and calm down. (Also I wrote a retro regarding to the Game Engine that I could share with you (things that was great and other stuff that could be improve). But I also understand if you don’t interested.)
Ok, I'll see your work later. A retro will be useful, I think, so thanks.
Thank to you for your work🙏! In addition to the reported bugs, any feedback is really appreciated: which things did you like, things that made you struggle or things that didn't work well along a wishlist. That way we can improve it
Of course. It will come on this week. ✌️ Btw. thanks for the following! 😊
I know it’s a really really old topic. And I’m also not sure about the value of this file. But I found it during my PC clean up and I remembered to this thread. So, I’m sharing it. Perhaps, I’m going to reconsider it after I have some free time. Anyways, I’m going to share some presentation about getting started with KorGE soon. So, stay tuned 😄