API design: I have rather complex composable compo...
# compose
API design: I have rather complex composable component taking multiple slots arguments. Is it better to have: • main slot named
and having it as the last one, or • make that slot rather named by its function and sort slots differently? The second option seems more suitable, but only if there is another non slot argument as the last one, otherwise it would expose the last slot as trailing lambda, which is not good. What do you think?
I’d be very surprised if I used a composable, which had many composable slots but the one that was put in the trailing lambda was not the “main” one. I would say take inspiration from ones like
and don’t steer away from that pattern. You can still name your “content” one differently I guess, but I’d still like it to be last.
Like this sort of code on the call site
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    topBar = { TopAppBar() },
    content = { FooScreen() }
) {
    // this would be the parameter named `bottomBar` as the last one in line
Would be super confusing in my opinion.
What I have is something like this
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     onClick = {},
     icon = { Icon(Icons.Accommodation, contentDescription = null) },
     description = { Text("Further description") },
     trailingIcon = { Icon(Icons.ChevronRight, contentDescription = null) },
 ) {
     Text("ListChoice title")
And we're thinking about if keep it this way with content, or name it
and put it before icon parameter.
Slots are optional expect the title slot, so in this case it could be quite good to utilize trailing lambda. Though practically it won't be used without other slots.
Could you show me how the
function signature looks like?
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public fun ListChoice(
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    icon: @Composable () -> Unit = {},
    description: @Composable () -> Unit = {},
    trailingIcon: @Composable () -> Unit = {},
    withSeparator: Boolean = true,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit,
This reminds me of ListItem a lot, which is basically what you’re doing, but with your defaults instead of the Material ones. You can draw inspiration from there and just rename the
or something similar as you said before, and still keep it as the last item without a default value. I think then the API will look nice and will be very predictable for all devs trying to use it.
Great idea, I somehow missed there is a ListItem in Material! Thank you very much.
🙌 1