I'm having a crash caused by navigating from a scr...
# compose
I'm having a crash caused by navigating from a screen containing a lazy column to another one, then navigating back. The stack trace doesn't point to any of my code so I'm not sure what's going on
Which version of Compose are you running?
I'm using 1.2.0-beta01
It's hard to say without seeing any code but I would guess thats a bug that needs to be filed
Maybe this will help
it is not a know bug. if you can provide a reproducible sample we can try to fix that
I might have narrowed the issue down, the way I'm doing search is by setting the paging source to a new instance, which I doubt is the best way of doing it. Testing with it set already to an instance of a paging source seems to fix the bug. I'm not really sure how else to create a source for paging data when the search button is pressed though
It looks like this in my viewmodel
Copy code
var results by mutableStateOf<Flow<PagingData<DomainSearch.Result>>>(emptyFlow())
    private set
Copy code
fun getResults() {
    results = Pager(PagingConfig(10)) {
        object : PagingSource<String, DomainSearch.Result>() {
            override suspend fun load(params: LoadParams<String>): LoadResult<String, DomainSearch.Result> {
                return try {
                    val searchResults = repository.getSearchResults(search, params.key)

                        data = searchResults.items,
                        prevKey = null,
                        nextKey = searchResults.continuation
                } catch (e: Exception) {

            override fun getRefreshKey(state: PagingState<String, DomainSearch.Result>): String? =