Does anyone know how I can put a Horizontal Pager ...
# compose
Does anyone know how I can put a Horizontal Pager with LazyColums inside a LazyColumn? I want the same as TikTok has it on their Profile screen.
Copy code
LazyColumn(...) {
    item {
       //Header with ProfilePicture and followers

    stickyHeader {
        TabRow(...) //Sticky TabRow with "Posts" and "Likes"

    item {
       //Pager with two lists (posts and likes)
        HorizontalPager(...) { page: Int ->
            when (page) {
                0 -> PostList()
                1 -> LikesList()
Obviously this crashes because you cannot have nested LazyColumns and inside my PostList() and LikesList() Composable I have another LazyColum with the content.
Vertically scrollable component was measured with an infinity maximum height constraints, which is disallowed. One of the common reasons is nesting layouts like LazyColumn and Column(Modifier.verticalScroll()).
So is it not possible with Jetpack Compose?
I think you can get away with it if you set a height between the nested lazycolumns.
I think I have a solution. It works when I put a FlowColum inside my PostList().
Copy code
val posts = listOf("Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 3", "Item 3", "Item 3", "Item 3", "Item 3", "Item 3", "Item 3", "Item 3")
FlowColumn() {
        Box(Modifier.height(70.dp)) {

Now I only have to create a LazyVerticalGrid behaviour out of this FlowColumn
Ah lol, so simple. Just changing from FlowColum to FlowRow did the job