Hello, how one can define a multiple derivedStated...
# compose
Hello, how one can define a multiple derivedStatedOf? I have a code like below but they are called constantly when I log and recomposition happening. As far as I understand correctly, recomposition should only happen when
changed, right?
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val isPageTitleReached by derivedStateOf {
    remember {
        lazyListState.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset > 500
val isContentScrolled by derivedStateOf {
    remember {
        lazyListState.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset > 600
👀 2
you inverted the function calls. It should be remember{derivedStateOf ..}
remembers like that are useless. The block inside will only run once.
ohh really? fixing this right away, thanks for the heads-up. Will update you!
btw why it is like I did in the official doc?
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val highPriorityTasks by remember(highPriorityKeywords) {
        derivedStateOf { todoTasks.filter { it.containsWord(highPriorityKeywords) } }
the reason they are called constantly is because derivedState that in not remembered will create a new instance every recomposition
remember{derivedState}, you have derivedState{remember} ?
ahh my bad sorry you are right
Hey @myanmarking can I have something like this or is it a good way on Compose? Basically I’d like to hold all variables inside a data class but wondering if
would work as expected in my example?
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private fun rememberScrollState(
    lazyListState: LazyListState,
    firstCondition: Int,
    secondCondition: Int
) = remember(firstCondition, secondCondition) {
    ScrollState(lazyListState, firstCondition, secondCondition)
Copy code
private data class ScrollState(
    val lazyListState: LazyListState,
    val firstCondition: Int,
    val secondCondition: Int
) {
    val isPageTitleReached by derivedStateOf {
        if (lazyListState.firstVisibleItemIndex == 0) {
            lazyListState.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset > firstCondition
        } else {
    val isHeroScrolled by derivedStateOf {
        if (lazyListState.firstVisibleItemIndex == 0) {
            lazyListState.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset > secondCondition
        } else {
Ya it should work. You should probably add the lazyliststate to remeber param as well
And probably change immutable to stable
Awesome, applying right now. Thanks for the quick turnaround, appreciate it 🙏
Which leads me to the question whether a data class with only val parameters needs any of these qualifiers (@Immutable, @Stable) at all. I thought such a data class is considered stable by default.
Well, you can have a val that is unstable. It is not the only requirement. Im not sure about this case would have to check, but it doesnt hurt adding it
IIRC the Compose compiler can infer immutability and stability only on classes which are compiled in modules where the Compose compiler enabled. So even if your
data class
has `val`s where nothing is backed by mutable data, it won’t be inferred as immutable unless it is in a module w/ the Compose compiler. Also if your
data class
contains a
val list: List<Foo>
the compiler can’t infer stability even if
is stable (there’s an open issue). For that you’d have to explicitly annotate that class with `@Immutable`/`@Stable`. Recently read about this here https://chris.banes.dev/composable-metrics/
@Tash Very interesting reading, especially the link to https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/216791427 I proposed exactly that here some months ago but the idea was bluntly rejected.