I have interactive preview enabled but clicks are ...
# compose
I have interactive preview enabled but clicks are not working at all. button click shows ripple effect and effect is stuck in the middle of animation and just stays like that. multiple clicks and ripples just stack
and preview doesn’t match theme when app is ran on the emulator or real device
am using
What version of Android Studio are you using?
Bumblebee patch 2, latest stable version
but it’s the same on Chipmunk Beta 4
Thanks for the info - and what version of Compose are you using? This issue should be fixed with 1.1.0 so if it is that then please file a bug with logs attached so we can investigate
am using
That is a View-based theme - are you using values from that in your Compose theme?
compose version 1.2.0-alpha05
am just wrapping content from screenshot above inside
Right, but unless you are using theme values in XML in your Compose UI, it shouldn’t matter. What differences are you seeing?
On the interactive preview freezing, can you repro this with stable versions of Compose, e.g. 1.1.0?
it works on 1.1.0
👍 1
about the theme, something is set in XML but something is not but even things that are set don’t show up the same in preview and on real device
it works on 1.1.0
Thanks! That is reassuring. For 1.2.0-alpha05 not working in Bumblebee, usage of alpha Compose libraries in stable Studio releases are not guaranteed at the moment since the implementations of the two are months apart. We’re working on improving catching compatibility issues earlier on, but for now, it’d be greatly appreciated to file a bug and attach your Studio logs 🙏
something is not but even things that are set don’t show up the same in preview and on real device
Please provide code snippets and comparison screenshots if you’d like help debugging the issues. Otherwise, it’s difficult to know where to help troubleshoot
thank you Chris very much. I wrote theme in Compose so no need for
. project design system implementation was a mess anyways
👍 1