We’re converting a Fragment based app over to Comp...
# compose
We’re converting a Fragment based app over to Compose. It’s got quite a few Fragments. During this transition period, I know I can use the
Composable to inflate a
with a Fragment and show it within composable “screen”. So far though, it seems like I have to create a wrapper xml layout resource with a
for every fragment. I was hoping to find a way to just define a single xml layout resource (compose_fragment_container.xml) and write a composable that uses it with
to load an arbitrary Fragment. But so far no luck. Anyone know a way to do this? My current (not working) code in the 🧵
This is what I’m using now: fragment_compose_container.xml:
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    android:id="@+id/compose_fragment" />
A Composable to wrap
, inflate the above layout, and add a
to it:
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fun MyFragmentBinding(fragment: Class<out Fragment>, fragmentArgs: Bundle? = null) {
    val activity = (LocalContext.current as? FragmentActivity)

    AndroidViewBinding(factory = { inflater, parent, attachToParent ->
        // Inflate the fragment container view
        val view = FragmentComposeContainerBinding.inflate(inflater, parent, attachToParent)

        val fm = activity?.supportFragmentManager ?: throw IllegalStateException("MyFragmentBinding composable can only be used in a FragmentActivity. Cannot inflate $fragment.")

        // Add the fragment to the container view
        fm.commit {
            add(R.id.compose_fragment, fragment, fragmentArgs)
This works the first time I call it, and loads a fragment just fine. When I call it again though (say when the user navigates to another screen), I end up with a blank screen.
I don't fully understand what you are trying to achieve but in my project the activity inflates the
and I use the following block in each of my Fragment's
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return ComposeView(requireContext()).apply {
            setContent {
              //MaterialTheme() composable here 
I don't have xml resource for any fragments but I use AndroidX nav components so I just have to define all the fragments in XML nav graph.
My Fragments have no compose at all and work fine. I’m trying to load one of many fragments in my compose-based activity. An extremely basic example might look something like this:
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class MyActivity(): FragmentActivity {

 private val viewModel: MyActivityViewMmodel by viewModels()

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {
            when (viewModel.someState) {
               screen1 -> MyFragmentBinding(Screen1Fragment::class.java)
               screen2 -> MyFragmentBinding(Screen3Fragment::class.java)               
               screen3 -> MyFragmentBinding(Screen3Fragment::class.java)        
I’m using the Navigation component, so it’s more like this:
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class MyActivity(): FragmentActivity {

 private val viewModel: MyActivityViewMmodel by viewModels()

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {
           val navController = rememberNavController()
            NavHost(navController = navController, startDestination = "home") {
                 composable(route="home") {
                 composable(route="screen2") {
                 composable(route="screen3") {
The “home” screen (Screen1Fragment) loads up just fine. but from there if I call
… I get a blank screen.
you could do that but it is harder to migrate that way. In my opinion what you should do is: 1) Keep the navigation with fragments the same. Start refactoring fragments to use compose inside (onCreateView + ComposeView). After all fragments migrated that way, then its much easier to completely get rid of frags and just use 100% compose
@myanmarking - I agree. I’m exploring this as a a possibility, not something we’ll definitely implement. We’re about half migrated so far, and now our product team wants to introduce a bottom nav bar to the app. Since it’s so closely tied to navigation, I am exploring the possibility of migrating the core architecture and navigation over to compose and then circling back to remove fragments as their contents get converted to compose. I know it’s not the recommended approach, but I’m curious as to what kind of hurdles we’d face so I’m trying it out.
Hey @Bradleycorn I also face similar issue when trying to switch between legacy
User Logged In
page. Do you have any update on this ?
No. We ended up not doing it.
FYI: for someone who got similar issue: • We found that blank screen because of fragment view got onDispose immediately (In my case I guest because of state change -> UI got recompose -> but UI still invisible to user -> that why it got dispose) Available options: • Option 1: Delay update state when UI is visible to user to trigger re-composition • Option 2: ◦ Nested Guest/User Logged view inside
legacy fragment
◦ Put legacy fragment inside
xml ◦ Using
to load xml ◦ Inside
legacy fragment
add logic to switching Guest/User Logged base on state