About Text: Is it expected that the app will handl...
# compose
About Text: Is it expected that the app will handle all focus manually for Keyboard actions such as
for example, or will it be handled by Compose? • Software Keyboard Next, Enter • Hardware Keyboard Tab, Shift+Tab, Enter
Not sure I understand the question, but from what I've seen if you want the cursor to go to the next text field you will need to at least put an imeAction.next on the first text field, and then compose should figure out to put the focus on next when the keyboard next is hit. IMO I've struggled with this stuff and I wish there was more guidance around it. I believe I've filed an issuetracke to improve the docs related to focus but no traction just yet.
Yes. imeAction.Next is added. Does that alone work for you?
I think we're talking about the same thing :)
It will call onNext lambda which does nothing by default