Is there a rule of thumb to choose `Column` with `...
# compose
Is there a rule of thumb to choose
? Seems for every scrollable page we can just use
, but the `item {}`makes the development a little bit cumbersome, can I just use
for the pages which don’t have infinite scrollable content?
will compose and layout every child, while
will only layout what is visible (hence lazy), so i’d say it depends on the number of items
thanks for the clarification, but the tough thing is what's the threshold for the number? how many items when a page reach I should switch from Column to LazyColumn? 🤣
AFAIK, you can't nest a
inside a scrollable
yet, so if you need to display a list within a scrollable
, go for a plain
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I asked this question like a year ago and the gist of it seemed to be: 1. it can show intent a bit more clearly by using one api over the other 2. in simple cases (stacking two texts on top of each other) there really isn't any benefit of not using a Column 3. There is some overhead to using a Lazy. so if you don't need it, dont use it. Ill try to find the question though. it had some good input from compose team.
oh, thank Colton for the reference, I think now I understand more about the API design, maybe for most pages if there isn’t a big performance issue I would just go with Column.😁
Yeah. Personally I've been going for column almost everywhere except when I see that there is lag in release builds. if I see lag, then I convert to a lazy and then the issue goes away. so its almost like a trick i keep in my back pocket at this point for a quick win for perf improvement.
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but yes. you could argue that i should just make everything lazy right off the bat. lol
cc @Ben Trengrove [G]
There is no hard and fast rule but the general idea is - with lazy you pay a higher cost per visible item than non-lazy but you will only have items for what can be seen on screen. With Column, you pay a low cost per item but if you have a lot of them thats going to add up pretty fast. Roughly, if you know you will never have that many items then Column/Row is probably all you need. Like most things though you just have to test it out (in release not debug) and see.
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