Whats the best way to do State Management for comp...
# compose
Whats the best way to do State Management for compose , do anyone have some best approaches reads or sample I can take a look. I have tried state hoisting in viewmodel for `InputField`but it was bit messy since there was lot of state for error , label , placeholder and data . Any suggestions will be helpful
Can't you just expose a StateFlow with your state and call collectAsState on it in your composable?
Have done that , but the thing is its not best to do it in that way. Lets say an example of inputting name . val name = MutableLiveData(“”) now for collecting it val nameState = viewmodel.name.collectAsState() the problem here is there can be MutableLiveData for error, placeholder , data and label , also there can be many other components on that screen , how to handle that?
Copy code
private val _stateStateFlow: MutableStateFlow<MyState> = MutableStateFlow(MyState())
val stateStateFlow: StateFlow<MyState> = _stateStateFlow

class MyState(
    val name: String,
    val error: String,
    val placeholder: String,
    val label: String,
you can make an object incapulating your state. and in composable just
Copy code
val stateState = vm.stateStateFlow.collectAsState().value
👍 2
there is a bit of confusion, since we’re talking about three states: your state, StateFlow and composable state
@ildar.i [Android], This one is yeah a good approach , but I was wondering , lets say you 10 textfield , an appbar with a search so basically you need to have atleast 11 State class right?
No, there should be just one state, encapsulating all 10 fields. it can control other fields (color, visibility) based on combinations of inputs. Basically, a single source of truth
I will try this out.