Hello Everyone, I need to add a lazyVerticalGrid i...
# compose
Hello Everyone, I need to add a lazyVerticalGrid inside a scrollable column. How can I achieve it? for example:
Copy code
Column(modifier = Modifier
    Text("Sample Widget")
    LazyVerticalGrid(cells = GridCells.Fixed(3)) {
                items(3) { index ->
                    val item = index
                    Text(text = "Item $item")
as far I know nested scroll are not allow yet. there are some workaround around, but for what I saw there are based on every single specific case and ofter consist on re-adapt your view
@Andrey Kulikov I thought two infinitely sized things in compose will never work (and that's the plan to keep it that way). Two infitiely sized views used to work in view-land but it was mostly accidental and didn't actually work correctly I thought?