Noticing a couple things with `FlowSubscriptionExe...
# graphql-kotlin
Noticing a couple things with `FlowSubscriptionExecutionStrategy`: 1. it now returns a
now instead of a
. This makes sense for spring webflux, but we're consuming `Flow`s directly and the
->`Publisher`->`Flow` round trip has caused resource leak problems for us in the past. Would something like a
that returns `Flow`s be welcome in
or should we maintain it externally? 2. instrumentation doesn't appear to be applied to subscription results. Previously fixed in but maybe in going to
lost that? (or maybe something's changed in graphql-java 16 around it?) other than that, updating package import definitions and some renames in graphql-java 16 (ExecutionPath -> ResultPath) appear to be the main changes that we need to adjust for. There's also some weirdness with the selectionSet duplicating fields that appears to be filed upstream as
If I remember right we tried using flows for subscriptions but it was causing some issues
I'll try to dig up corresponding prs
ok. I'll plan on maintaining NativeFlow version in our own repos for now. I'm surprised by (2) since there's a test for instrumentation being applied, but did find that
result.getData<Publisher<ExecutionResult>>().asFlow().onEach { it.... }.....collect()
is missing the instrumented values in the
ah yeah so re #1 -> I've updated it to publisher when integrating with spring server as current subscription beans were based on flux (
ideally we should rewrite those spring handlers to use flows but didn't have time to do it
Yeah makes perfect sense from an already existing flux perspective
re: 2 I just checked the unit test and extensions gets populated as expected ([…]ql/generator/execution/FlowSubscriptionExecutionStrategyTest.kt), unsure what might be causing different behavior
ok digging a little deeper on (2) it appears that the Instrumentation is being applied, but the coroutine context is not preserved between the raw flow and the converted publisher. Specifically we return a
and then attempt to pick up the MDC value from our Instrumentation to make a
accessible. Will try to create a simple reproduction now that I've figured that out.
👍 1
ah I think it is most likely due to the
flow -> publisher
change if you use the default flow subscription strategy from gql kotlin
i.e. publisher has no concept of contextual data
Yeah, for our specific case it looks like you could do
(publisherOrFlow as? Flow<Any>)?.asPublisher(MDCContext())
but I don't see a good way to do this generically (ie. inherit context that's already there in the calling context, since we've bridged into java/non-coroutine land at this point?). sticking with avoiding flow -> publisher -> flow conversion is the way we'll go.
After a little more thought put this together: not sure if you'd want it or not, but figured worth sharing some thoughts on it.