the following constantly throws a ClassCastExcepti...
# graphql-kotlin
the following constantly throws a ClassCastException
class java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to class com.expediagroup.graphql.examples.server.spring.query.ScalarQuery$PhoneNumber
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fun convolutedExample(optListInput: OptionalInput<List<PhoneNumber>>): String {
        return patient
            .let { if (it is OptionalInput.Defined) it.value else null }
            ?.map { it.number }

    data class PhoneNumber(val number: Long)
when called like this
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fun test() {
    val query = "convolutedExample"
    val expectedData = "[111111]"

        .bodyValue("""query { $query(optListInput: [{
            |   number: 111111,
            |   }]
            |) }""".trimMargin())
        .verifyData(query, expectedData)
Have I gone wrong somewhere or is this just too many generics deep for jackson to figure out?
that error indicates that jackson doesn't understand how to correctly parse the input
can you provide a small example that reproduces this error?
*it might be the issue with
yeah I think it is probably an issue with optional input and a list
I've reproduced it in graphql-kotlin by only adding those two snippets I sent. Would you like me to make a PR with the added test?
yeah PR would be great
👍 1
made the PR, first PR so forgive the stumbling around the whole process.
👍 1