I’d like to follow up on this topic. Is it possibl...
# chucker
I’d like to follow up on this topic. Is it possible to make this happen soonish? Or even create a
branch from
branch just for now (or maybe after
is released)? I’d like to play around with some ideas when it comes to the Chucker APIs in the next major release and create issues or PRs.
I think we have enough content to actually release
when we want and create a
branch just after.
👍 1
Yeah, we have quite a lot of things. I wanted to bring more, like finish my payload search improvements, add GraphQL stuff, etc., but it seems we already did quite a big amount. As to actual release
- I would like to do state saving better (for search on the main screen) before releasing it. Also, I will soon finish migration of docs, so we might combine release and announcement of docs being migrated from Readme. All the other things, like redesign of DB models and switching to Flow in some places worth a major release, since it will require clean reinstall of Chucker. As to
- the main point about it not only bumping minSDK, but also my big desire to redesign Chucker quite seriously. I already have some ideas and sketches.
So, yeah, I suggest the following - let me finish docs migration and attempt to save state better. Afterwards we can release
In the meantime, I would appreciate if you share your ideas in issues on Github.
👍 1
Sure, I can do that in the meantime.
Talking about state saving - I planned to save search query and restore search state on device rotation, process death, etc. I used
for this purpose and everything worked fine in terms of saving/restoring except the
in the toolbar. I wasn’t able to make it work properly where after rotation I can easily programatically expand the search view and paste query saved from restored state. So I might abandon this idea for now, because of
having not the most pleasant API to use.