I'm converting an old app of mine from Chuck to Ch...
# chucker
I'm converting an old app of mine from Chuck to Chucker. For some reason in Chucker 3.2.0 the response sizes all say -1B. This wasn't happening in chuck. I did a quick search on github and didn't find anything. Anyone have any ideas?
This should be relevant for you: https://github.com/ChuckerTeam/chucker/pull/234 tl;dr: if you see
it means that the
is not returned by OkHTTP.
@gammax thanks for the response. As someone that's not all that familiar with contentLength... is this a header that my backend should be returning back to me?
Hm. Okay. Definitely have some digging to do. The header sent from the API is out of my control... but having the sizes there is helpful. I'm checking Charles Proxy and I can see that the header is missing, but Charles does show the size.
yeah we discuss a bit about that. We decided to keep the
consistent with what OkHTTP was returning to us.
Makes sense. I guess it would be nice to be able to configure this though. It's been super nice with Charles + Chuck to be able to take a quick glance and see that "Oh hey, this one payload is 2MB!!!" but now that I upgraded to chucker on this one project, we lost that.
Especially since Charles shows the size... I think it would be nice to be able to opt in. Just my 2 cents.
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Let me know if you think I should file a feature request or something.
@gammax when you said "Correct" and linked the rfc. The rfc doesn't actually recommend it anywhere right? Or am I missing something? đź‘€
The RFC is actually “suggesting” it:
Copy code
Aside from the cases defined above, in the absence of
   Transfer-Encoding, an origin server SHOULD send a Content-Length
   header field when the payload body size is known prior to sending the
   complete header section.  This will allow downstream recipients to
   measure transfer progress, know when a received message is complete,
   and potentially reuse the connection for additional requests.
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