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# skrape-it
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hey, yes it’s a known issue. there was a dex error that is fixed in the latest snapshot: if the error described in #89 you can try to use the latest snapshot as described here: Furthermore there is this issue: sorry for the current inconvenience while using skrapeit on android. if someone wants to have a closer look or could provide a PR this would be great. due to personal reasons I am currently not in the position to fix it until next month
It is as the issue in #89 - I was hoping there was a solution which did not involve anything experimental but I will use that in the meantime (am working with an app I hope to get realeased). Thank you Christian! If I want to help out, do I just join the Github group then? Sorry for the stupid question, I am new to working with Github (old person here)
hey there are no stupid questions 🙂 i think usual github workflow of contributing to a project is (or at least how i am doing it ^^): • login to your account on • go to repo you want to contribute • click fork button --> it will create a copy of the project under your github account • checkout the forked repository • do your changes and push • afterwards you should see some “send pull request” thing in the github ui on your fork, that is saying something like do you want your master (fork) to be merged into the original master that should be it 🙂
Ah ok, much easier then I thought - thanks!