<@U016VMY2A72> why did you want to move json match...
# kotest-contributors
@Jim why did you want to move json matchers to another repo, I can't remember
Cause I'm working on a json-path-assert analog for kotest so we can have kotest first class kotest native matchers
the current json matchers are limited because they use a jvm only json path library ?
They're limited to json because they were initially written in Jackson and I think I've upgraded them to kotlinx serialization, and yeah json path is jvm only
ok cool thanks
👍👍 so you want me to hold off on that?
was just considering suggesting to @Emil Kantis he makes his changes in a copy in that repo
K sounds good
then we can deprecate the old ones and he can go crazy with new ones
Yeah that sounds like a good plan. I think it should be separate from the main platform for faster iteration
👍🏻 1
Does that mean kotest-assertions-json will move from the main kotest repo? 🙂
is good to go otherwise, just need to update docs
we could leave the old code there and move all the new code to the new repo
then you could even just remove the deprecated stuff outright
just an idea
I'm fine either way 🙂 would feel good to get the stuff out with the next release, but if you prefer to have it in the new repo that's alright.
If it goes into the new repo, it can be released immediately
@Jim is the json-path work already in a repo somewhere?
as they're on separate cadences
Nope, it’s all local side-work which is why I’m all for this idea of a new project for me to iterate on
would turn it from a big bang project into more manageable changes
whatever is most convenient for you guys! you're free to move, revert, etc, to your hearts content 😄 I don't feel comfortable with setting up a new repo on my own, though
my last JSON-related PR should be about ready now, just waiting for tests.. 🙂
just 1 thought regarding json-path.. is it necessarily assertion-related? Wouldn't it make sense that extracting subtrees or values from a JSON document be it's own lib? it could still be used for testing, like.. 🙂
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val myJson = """{ "x": [0, 1], "name": "john" }

myJson.jsonPath<Int>("$.x[1]") shouldBe 1
myJson.jsonPath<String>("$.name") shouldBe "john"
Bonus benefit is it could be used with other frameworks, or in production code if someone needs it 🙂
yep, that’s the plan
btw I would call it
, cause squeezing
into the name is apparently bonus points in the community 😄
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myJson shouldSatisfy { 
  "$.x[1]".extrakt<Int>() shouldBe 1
  "$.name".extraktString>() shouldBe "john"
only parse the json once, cache the paths from the parsed json paths, etc.
gotta force the K in there
😁 2
I’ve got the front end of the json path compiler done (tokenizing the string), just working on turning the tokens into commands on kotlinx.serialization
I think we should get your code in there with the M2, I don’t think ripping out a bunch of Json stuff is in the cards for the 5.0 release
when extrakt is done we can just forward all of the existing kotest json assertions to the new hotness and deprecate them
👋 I started playing with this a bit more, felt like a fun thing to write some code for.. Here’s my take on it so far: https://github.com/Kantis/extrakt/blob/main/src/test/kotlin/ExtraktTest.kt Mind, it’s nothing test specific. I just want to be able to extract any (serializable) type from a
using a json path expression. Can of course be used to test things as well. If you want to play with it as well I can give you permissions, or if you want to do something completely different with the name I’ll go ahead and rename it
Wow.. Github highlighting was terrible for that file 😬
seriously 😂