re 826: I've got together a bit of a work in progr...
# kotest-contributors
re 826: I've got together a bit of a work in progress diff, but I'm a little stalled in places where I could do with a bit of help knowing where to put things, and how config works. This is what I have got so far on 826: It prints diffs like:
Copy code
data class diff for com.sksamuel.kotest.eq.DataClass3
├ x: expected:<99> but was:<88>
├ y: data class diff for com.sksamuel.kotest.eq.DataClass2
│  ├ x: expected:<2> but was:<1>
│  ├ y: expected:<4.4f> but was:<3.4f>
│  └ z: data class diff for com.sksamuel.kotest.eq.DataClass1
│     ├ a: expected:<99> but was:<2>
│     └ b: expected:<7.6f> but was:<4.6f>
└ z: expected:<44.6> but was:<44.4>
I have got as far as I can on my own, there's quite a few bits in the code where I could do with a bit of help, they are marked TODO, or just HELP! 🙂 • I've added
function to return true the instance is a data class and if the platform supports reflection. I'm not sure I've added all the implementations in the right places, or if I actually needed them all? (Non JVM kotlin is new to me!) • Because this feature is not useful if the user decides to override
in their data class, I've added a propertyConfig value
- however I'm not sure if a) the best way of accessing it form the
class? and b) if this flag should be on a per spec basis rather than project? (or both?) • I imagine that a very deeply nested data class would cause this code to stack overflow. • I'm not sure where DataClassEq.kt should live because it contains platform dependent code. Any help/suggestions/code changes/feedback would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!
Is it rebased to current master
yeah, I pulled from upstream.
Just noticed that newline, on extensions.kt, will fix shortly [edit] fixed[/edit]
I created a PR so I could add some comments
Cool, thanks - plenty to be getting on with 🙂
Sure is. If you can finish it next couple of days, we can include it in 4.1.0-RC1
Otherwise we can bump it to 4.2
Right, I'll get my skates on 🙂
😂 1
Hi, I did a bit of work on this last night, if you get a min can you check it's going in the right direction please? I think I understand the reflection stuff now, I've added a function to the reflection interface to get the members declared in the primary constructor. Not sure if this was the right thing to do? If it is, I think the next step is preventing it exposing the KCallable type as non-JVM platforms don't have this and is causing some failing builds from platforms without this type.
It's now building, but not added any features to hide it behind a flag yet.
👍🏻 1
Will check tonight
^ thanks for the feedback, I've added that config obj and had a bit of a tidy. 👍
Is it good to be merged ?
haha - err I think it's very close 😬 let me know what you think - also happy to raise a new PR with commits squished
I can squash when merging
👍 1
Hi, there's a couple of failing tests when run on ubuntu - they pass on my machine 🤣 They are:
Copy code
Test shouldTimeout should pass if a coroutine takes longer than the given timeout[jvm] FAILED
Test executionError[jvm] FAILED
Wondering if they are bit flakey because they are timing based? Not sure I've done anything to affect that area.
They're new, and have pretty tight timings so yeah that'll be why
aaah ok, cool
The options you moved to the config object
did you leave typealiases in place ?
never mind I see they were just sysprops before
ah yeah - is that ok? Thought I'd try and move those into one place
no that's good
ah you've merged it - thanks 🙂
👍🏻 1